Boucher, John, Images
- Advertisement, Métis Nation of Saskatchewan Election, 1995
- Agenda, Métis Nation—Saskatchewan Senate, Dec. 4, 2003
- Announcement, Métis Nation of Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly
- Boucher, John and Nelson Mandela (01)
- Boucher, John and Nelson Mandela (02)
- Boucher, John and Nelson Mandela (03)
- Boucher, John and Nelson Mandela (04)
- Boucher, John and Nelson Mandela (05)
- Boucher, John and Nelson Mandela (06)
- Chalifoux, Thelma
- Chartier, Philip, We are the Métis!
- Floral Artwork
- Invitation, RCMP Christmas Party (01)
- Invitation, RCMP Christmas Party (02)
- Lavallée, Guy
- Letter, Aboriginal Government Employees Network
- Letter, Batoche National Historic Site to John Boucher
- Letter, Dorion, Louis to John Boucher
- Letter, Gabriel Dumont Institute Community Training Residence to John Boucher
- Letter, Malfair, Gil A. to John Boucher
- Letter, Métis Heritage Association to John Boucher
- Letter, Métis Nation of Saskatchewan Local Presidents
- Letter, Native Human Justice Program to John Boucher
- Letter, Prince Albert Métis Fall Festval Inc. to John Boucher
- Letter, Saskatchewan Indian and Métis Affairs to the Métis Society of Saskatchewan
- Letter, Sheridan, Georgette to John Boucher
- Letter, Treeline Association of Prince Albert to John Boucher
- List, Métis Nation of Saskatchewan Senators
- Media Release, Louis Riel Memorial Plaque Unveiling
- Memorandum, Docken, Lorna to Métis Nation of Saskatchewan Locals, Provincial Métis Council, Senate
- Memorandum, Docken, Lorna to Métis Nation of Saskatchewan Senate
- Memorandum, Métis Nation of Saskatchewan to MNS Senate, MNS Provincial Métis Council...
- Métis Nation of Saskatchewan, Métis Elections Commission Meeting, 1994 (Minutes) (02)
- Métis Nation of Saskatchewan, Métis Elections Commission, Election Budget, 1990s
- Métis Nation of Saskatchewan, Western Region III Board Appointment of Albert Eugene Aubichon ...
- Métis National Council, Recommendations From the National Métis Senate Constitution Committee
- Notice, Various Métis Nation of Saskatchewan Election Date, 1995
- Notice, Various Métis Nation of Saskatchewan Election Dates, 1995
- Proposal, Métis National Council, Métis National Elders Senate
- Riel, Louis, Crucifix