- Bannock (03)
- Boy, Crutches
- Boy, Garage Sale
- Boy, Holding Baby
- Boy, Posing
- Boy, Reading
- Chartrand, Melissa and Louis
- Child, Grandfather
- Child, Playing (01)
- Child, Playing (02)
- Child, Playing (03)
- Child, Riding Bike
- Children, Classroom
- Children, Dress Clothing
- Children, Gathering
- Children, Grandmother
- Children, Hugging
- Children, Learning
- Children, Modeling Clothes (01)
- Children, Modeling Clothes (02)
- Children, Modeling Clothes (03)
- Children, Playground (01)
- Children, Playground (02)
- Children, Playground (03)
- Children, Playground (04)
- Children, Playing (01)
- Children, Playing (02)
- Children, Playing, CAT
- Children, Playing, Merry-Go-Round (01)
- Children, Playing, Merry-Go-Round (02)
- Children, Playing, Merry-Go-Round (03)
- Children, Playing, Monkey Bars (01)
- Children, Playing, Monkey Bars (02)
- Children, Playing, Swings
- Children, Playing, Tire Ladder (01)
- Children, Playing, Tire Ladder (02)
- Children, Playing, Tire Ladder (03)
- Children, Playing, Trampoline
- Children, School (01)
- Children, School (02)
- Children, Swings
- Children, Taught by Teacher
- Children, Teacher
- Dolls
- Falcon, Walter and his Two Children
- Girl, Coloring
- Girl, Smiling
- Gretcher Clink, Kate
- Infant and Mother
- Mossbag, Baby
- Old School Interior
- Race, Children
- St. Michael's School
- String Games (01)
- String Games (02)
- Toddler
- Toddlers, Blanket (01)
- Toddlers, Blanket (02)
- Young Trapper Competitor (01)
- Young Trapper Competitor (02)
- Young Trapper Competitor (03)
- Youth, Playing Volleyball (01)
- Youth, Playing Volleyball (02)