Doucette, Robert, Collection
- "Elect Gloria Shmyr for Area Director" Button
- "Elect May Henderson for Western Region II" Button
- "Kennedy for Area Director" Button
- "The Choice for Change: Warren Gervais for President" Button
- "Vote Allan Morin for Treasurer" Button
- "Vote Barry Robertson for Area Director" Button
- "Vote Darlene McKay for Area Director Western Region II" Button
- "Vote for Helen Johnson Eastern Region II" Button
- "Vote Gerald Morin for President" Button
- "Vote Jimmy D. for President" Button
- "Vote May Henderson for Provincial Secretary" Button
- "Vote Robert D. for Secretary" Button
- "Vote Wayne T. for Area Director" Button
- 100 Year Anniversary of 1885 Resistance Commemoration Button
- Album and Cover, Clemens, Lucinda
- Album Cover, Clemens, Lucinda
- Album Sleeve, Clemens, Lucinda
- Bernice Hammersmith for Métis Society of Saskatchewan Secretary Button
- Bingo Dabbers (01)
- Bingo Dabbers (02)
- Bookmark
- Election Advertising (01)
- Election Advertising (02)
- Election Advertising (03)
- Election Advertising (04)
- Election Advertising (05)
- List of Candidates
- Lorna LaPlante for Métis Society of Saskatchewan Provincial Secretary Button
- Map, Métis Locals and Electoral Districts
- Métis Nation of Saskatchewan Structure
- Poster, Aubichon, Martin (01)
- Poster, Aubichon, Martin (02)
- Poster, Back to Batoche Days
- Poster, Camponi, Ron
- Poster, Chartier
- Poster, Chartier, Clem (01)
- Poster, Chartier, Clem (02)
- Poster, Chartier, Philip (01)
- Poster, Chartier, Philip (02)
- Poster, Crescent Lake (Tokyo) 10th Annual Homecoming
- Poster, Doucette, Robert (01)
- Poster, Doucette, Robert (02)
- Poster, Doucette, Robert (03)
- Poster, Doucette, Robert (04)
- Poster, Doucette, Robert (05)
- Poster, Durocher, Jim (01)
- Poster, Durocher, Jim (02)
- Poster, D’Amour, Denise
- Poster, Fisher, Francis
- Poster, Flag of the Métis Nation (01)
- Poster, Flag of the Métis Nation (02)
- Poster, Flag of the Métis Nation (03)
- Poster, Flag of the Métis Nation (04)
- Poster, Gabriel Dumont
- Poster, Gervais, Renee
- Poster, Gervais, Warren
- Poster, Hammersmith, Bernice (01)
- Poster, Hammersmith, Bernice (02)
- Poster, Henderson, May (01)
- Poster, Henderson, May (02)
- Poster, Henderson, May (03)
- Poster, Kennedy, Ralph
- Poster, Kennedy, Roxanne
- Poster, Lafond, Gabe (01)
- Poster, Lafond, Gabe (02)
- Poster, Laliberte, Ray
- Poster, Laliberte, Raymond
- Poster, Langan, Dennis
- Poster, LaPlante, Lorna
- Poster, Making the Connections: 2007 Conference on Post-Secondary Education for Métis
- Poster, Maurice, Alex
- Poster, McAuley, Leon (01)
- Poster, McAuley, Leon (02)
- Poster, McCallum, Lisa
- Poster, McLeod, Bob (01)
- Poster, McLeod, Bob (02)
- Poster, Métis Nation of Saskatchewan Provincial General Election, 1998
- Poster, Morin, Allan
- Poster, Morin, Gerald
- Poster, National Conference: Métis Nation Rights and Self-Government
- Poster, National Métis Youth Role Model Program
- Poster, Parenteau Henderson, May
- Poster, Poitras, Leebert
- Poster, Ross, David E.
- Poster, Roth, Dwayne (Trudeau)
- Poster, Trotchie, Clarence Wayne
- Poster, “Une Chanson de Vérité”: Folk Songs of the Prairie Métis
- Record, Clemens, Lucinda (01)
- Record, Clemens, Lucinda (02)
- Ribbon
- Riel, Louis, Stamp (01)
- Riel, Louis, Stamp (02)
- Riel, Louis, Stamps
- Ron Camponi for Métis Society of Saskatchewan Treasurer Button
- Vote Renee Gervais Button
- “Clem Chartier for President” Button