Veterans and War
- Métis Soldiers Buried in Graveyards in Europe
- 1853: Battle of La Loge de Chevaux
- Battle of Rosebud River
- D-Day Plus 60: Remembering Canada’s Second World War
- Dakota-Metis Battle on the Grand Coteau: 1851 (Biographies)
- Dakota-Métis Relations in the 1800s: Clash and Conflict to Collaboration
- Eyewitness Account of the Battle of the Grand Coteau
- James Brady War Diary
- Jottings from a Record of Service in the North West Europe Campaign, July 9th 1944 – May 8th 1945
- Lest We Forget: Remembering Peter Henry “Harry” Loutit, A Soldier of World War I
- Métis Battles: Battle at Olga (O'Brien's Coulee) and the Bataille des la Rivière Outardes
- Métis Soldiers in the Boer War (1899-1902)
- Métis Veterans and Families of the Battle of the Grand Coteau. Includes Oral History Accounts
- Métis Veterans: Remembrances
- Noname, Alfred (A Man Called Noname)
- Paashkiiyaakanaan daan la prayrii di la Goornouyayr: We Won at Frog Plain
- Saskatchewan Métis Veterans Association
- Saskatchewan-Based Métis Soldiers Who Served in WWI, WWII and the Korean War (Ongoing List)
- Story of Delorme Massacre
- The Battle of Grand Coteau, July 13 and 14, 1851
- The Victoria Voltigeurs
- Umpherville, Jerry
- War and the Métis