Michif Tools
Michif is the endangered orally-based language of the Métis people. Perhaps only 5-10% of the population are able to speak the language, with the majority being elders. The Gabriel Dumont Institute's mandate is to promote and preserve Métis culture, and therefore has been developing resources that allow people to hear and read the language. Since Michif is an oral language, no standard orthography exists. As a result, the Institute recognizes the spelling conventions of Michif experts, such as Norman Fleury.
Heritage Michif Dictionary
This online dictionary features over 11,500 translations and audio pronunciations by Michif-language expert Norman Fleury. A search tool allows users to look up the English word to find the Michif translations.
This project was developed by the Gabriel Dumont Institute, and was funded through the Department of Canadian Heritage's Aboriginal Languages Initiative.
Open Heritage Michif Dictionary
Northern Michif Dictionary
This online dictionary features over 18,000 translations and audio pronunciations by Northern Michif-language expert Vince Ahenakew. A search tool allows users to look up the English word to find the Northern Michif translations.
This project was developed by the Gabriel Dumont Institute, and acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada for the production of this resource.
Open Northern Michif Dictionary
Heritage Michif Lessons
Featuring over 1000 words and phrases to learn over 60 exercises, with audio pronunciations by Michif-language expert Norman Fleury.
The Gabriel Dumont Institute acknowledges funding support for this project through the Office of the Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
Open Michif Lessons
Michif Resources
In this section, you will find a variety of Michif resources including videos, interviews, oral histories, educational games, and narrated children's books.
Michif Language Banking Interviews, 2014
Michif Lessons—Rose Moran, 1998
Michif Conversational Lessons for Beginners
Northern Saskatchewan Michif Interviews
Michif-French Interviews—St. Laurent, Manitoba, 1987
Michif Storytellers Workshop, 2008
Michif Language Workshop, Batoche, 2015
Michif Interviews
Michif Speakers Conferences
Learn Michif by Listening - Peter Bakker and Norman Fleury
Li Michif: The Language of Our Families
Michif Reference Resources
The Alfred Reading Series—Michif
Michif-French—Paul Chartrand Stories
Anskoonamakew lii Shansoon—Andrea Menard
Michif Verb Rummy—Heather Souter
Daan l’offis piikishkwaytaak li Michif - Speak Michif in the Office
Oral History Transcripts—Michif to English
Michif Resource Inventory
Michif Language Banking Interviews, 2008