High Resolution Images
- Plan of Position at Battle of Batoche (High Res)
- 73 King Street – Scenes Inside and Outside (High Res)
- A Look-Out on the Qu’Appelle Trail (High Res)
- A Royal Grenadiers Chance for the Victoria Cross (High Res)
- Annual Inspection of the 13th Batt. in the Drill Shed, Hamilton (High Res)
- Application of the First Bandage on the Battlefield – No 2. (High Res)
- Arrival of the Tenth Royal Grenadiers at Winnipeg and the 90th Battalion of Rifles Leaving Winnipeg
- Batoche – “Shot through the Heart”; The Gatling and Died in the Desert (High Res)
- Battalion Drill by the Pupils of the Public Schools, in the old Lacrosse Grounds, Toronto, June 25
- Battle of Duck Lake March 27th (High Res)
- Brigade at Birch Lake, The Alligators and Annual Inspection of 13th Batt., A.M Etc 105 (High Res)
- Brigade at Birch Lake, The Alligators and Annual Inspection of 13th Batt., A.M Etc 45 (High Res)
- Brigade Funerals of Two Royal Grenadiers (High Res)
- Camp Denison, Humboldt, N.W.T. (High Res)
- Camp of Half-Breed Refugees at Fort Pitt. (High Res)
- Col. Otter as a Commander, Capture of Batoche, and a Special Holiday Number of Grip (High Res)
- Col. Otter’s Brigade Camp at Birch Lake, N.W.T., June 14th, 1885 (High Res)
- Commencement of the Fight at Duck Lake; Advance Guard of the Royal Grenadiers passing Humboldt
- Departure of the Governor-General’s Body Guard (High Res)
- Departure of the Montreal Garrison Artillery (Incidents from Photographs and Sketches by Mr. F. N. B
- Domestic Incidents in the Camp of the Royal Grenadiers (High Res)
- Experiences of the Battle of the Royal Grenadiers, and Incidents of the Battle of Fish Creek Etc -HR
- Experiences of the Royal Grenadiers (High Res)
- Fort Qu’Appelle, N.W.T., Prince Albert Settlement, Humboldt and Clarke’s Crossing (High Res)
- Funeral of Two Members of the 90th Battalion (High Res)
- Funeral of Two Members of the 90th Battalion at Winnipeg (High Res)
- Gallant Attack on Big Bear’s Band by a Handful of Mounted Police under Inspector Steele and Squadron
- Gallant Attack on Big Bear’s Band By the Mounted Police, and The 91st (col. Scott’s Battalion) 101
- Gallant Attack on Big Bear’s Band By the Mounted Police, and The 91st (col. Scott’s Battalion) 99
- Gen. Middleton’s Expedition by River to Fort Pitt (High Res)
- Grand Military Demonstration in Montreal, July 25th (High Res)
- How the Royal Grenadiers got Their Dinner Before Batoche (High Res)
- Images of Canadian Soldiers (High Res)
- Incidents at the Battle of Fish Creek, Noted by an Eye-Witness (High Res)
- Indian Tepee & Rebel Half Breed (High Res)
- Lieut. Howard, the Hon. Edgar Dewdney, Lieut.-Col. Boulton and View of the Calvary Camp at the Touch
- Major General Middleton and Capt. Wise, A.D.C (from photograph by Topley), May 2, 1885 (High Res)
- Map of the North-West Territories (High Res)
- Midnight Tramp of the Royal Grenadiers (High Res)
- Military Views at Battleford (High Res)
- Mr. Larmour’s Portable Rifle Pits in Action and Big Bear, The Last of the Rebels (High Res)
- Obsequies of the Late Lt. Col. A.T.H. Williams, M.P. (High Res)
- Obtrusive Disloyalty (High Res)
- On the Line of March (High Res)
- Our Illustrations, A Chance for a Victoria Cross, Major General Middleton, C.B., and the 62nd Batt.,
- Our Illustrations, Camp of Half-Breed Refugees at Fort Pitt, and Riel Taking His Constitutional at..
- Our Illustrations, On the Line of the March, Sketches from Battleford and Vicinity and Portraits 126
- Our Illustrations, On the Line of the March, Sketches from Battleford and Vicinity and Portraits 76
- Our Next Number, Our Souvenir Number, Awfully Disillusioned and the Trial of Riel (High Res)
- Plan of Military Operations, the Uprising at Pile Hills, Discussion in Parliament and the Latest New
- Portable Rifle Pits, the Hon. Edgar Dewdney and Lieut.-Col. Boulton (High Res)
- Portraits of Interest (High Res)
- Portraits of Interest and Camp of the Prince of Wales’ Regiment at the Exhibition Grounds, Montreal
- Portraits of Interest and Whitecap’s Band and their Captures (High Res)
- Reading Battalion Orders in the Drill Shed, Hamilton and The Midland (Col. Williams’) Battalion
- Reception of the 7th Batt. Fusileers (sic), at London, Ont. (High Res)
- Rescue of Mrs. Gowanlock and Mrs. Delaney By a Party of Scouts (High Res)
- Return of the 7th Batt. Fuiliers, the CPR Lake Route and Obsequies of Col. Williams, M.P. (High Res)
- Roughing it at Front and Louis Riel Taking His Daily Constitutional at Regina (High Res)
- Scenes With the North-West Field Force (High Res)
- Sketches From Battleford and Vicinity (High Res)
- Sketches From the Front (High Res)
- Solemn Scene After the Battle of Fish Creek (High Res)
- Solemn Scene After the Battle of Fish Creek, and Commencement of the Fight at Duck Lake Etc (HR)
- Special Notice, The Situation at the Front, and Our Next Number Etc (High Res) 113
- Special Notice, The Situation at the Front, and Our Next Number Etc (High Res) 122
- Special Notice, The Situation at the Front, Our Next Number, and The Proposed Receptions to the...
- Supplement: Honour Roll of the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men Composing the North-Wes3
- Supplement: Honour Roll of the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men Composing the North-Wes4
- Supplement: Honour Roll of the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men Composing the North-Wes5
- Supplement: Honour Roll of the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men Composing the North-Wes6
- The 62nd Batt. Called Out for Service in the North-West Crossing the Market Square En Route...
- The 65th Battalion (French Canadians) Leaving Bonaventure Station, May 2, 1885 (High-Res)
- The 65th Battalion (Mount Royal Rifles) at Port Arthur, Lieut.-Col. Gray M.P.P. commanding...
- The 7th Battalion (Fusiliers), of London, Entertained at Port Arthur and The Ottawa Sharpshooters
- The 91st (Col. Scott’s) Batt. of Infantry Service (High Res)
- The Alleged Grievances of Half-Breeds, The Alleged Growth of Immorality and Replies to Col. Otter’s
- The Alligators (High Res)
- The Application of the First Bandage on the Battlefield – No. 1 (High Res)
- The Battle of Batoche and Capture of Louis Reil (Sic)
- The Cowboy Brigade (High Res)
- The Departure of the “Queen’s Own” and “Tenth Royals” for the North-West, March 30th (High Res)
- The Duty of the Hour, Ambulance Classes, Col. Irvine and His Critics and White Traitors at Prince...
- The First Expedition for the Relief of Battleford Attacked by Halfbreeds (High Res)
- The Funerals of Two of the Heroes of Batoche and The Sketches From the Front (High Res)
- The Gatling Gun (High Res)
- The Heroic Age Not Yet Past! And Our Illustrations (High Res)
- The Intelligence Corps, Application of the First Bandage of the Battlefield and the Capture of Batoc
- The Lake Route Home (High Res)
- The Leader of the Rebellion (High Res)
- The Loyalist Leader, The First Battle, and the Sacking of Battleford (High Res)
- The Military Holiday at Montreal (High Res)
- The Mounted Police Band Parading at Battleford and The Relief of Battleford (High Res)
- The Murder of Thomas Scott, Stubbs’ Search After Muscle, Phizological (Sic) Discourses 78
- The Murder of Thomas Scott, Stubbs’ Search After Muscle, Phizological (Sic) Discourses 80
- The Musters of the Tenth Royals; The Fort at Battleford and the Town of Battleford (High Res)
- The New Brunswick Battalion, The Proposed Medal and Chances for the Victoria Cross (High Res)
- The North-West Field Force, Sympathy with the Canadian Forces, the Governor-General’s Congratulation
- The Nova Scotia Provisional Battalion (63rd and 66th) at Montreal and Steamers at Medicine Hat
- The Nova Scotia Provisional Battalion at Montreal Etc (High Res)
- The Situation at the Front and Correspondents at the Front (High Res)
- The Situation at the Front, A Look-Out on the Qu’Appelle Trail and the Departure of the Montreal...
- The Situation at the Front, A Tough Journey and Ups and Downs (High Res)
- The Situation at the Front, A Tough Journey and Ups and Downs Page 14 (HighRes)
- The Situation at the Front, Death of Col. Williams, M.P., and Reorganization of the N.W. Mounted 95
- The Situation at the Front, Death of Col. Williams, M.P., and Reorganization of the N.W. Mounted 97
- The Situation at the Front, Our Illustrations, and Major Crozier, N.W.M.P., Parade of the Mounted 15
- The Situation at the Front, Our Illustrations, and Major Crozier, N.W.M.P., Parade of the Mounted 19
- The Situation at the Front, Our Illustrations, and the Four Cardinal Points of Health (High Res)
- The Situation at the Front, Our Next Issue, Uncivilized Warfare and Our Illustrations (High Res)
- The Situation at the Front, Our Next Number and English Sympathy with Canadian Suffering (High Res)
- Toronto Ladies Receiving and packing Contributions for Volunteers at the Front (High Res)
- Towzer’s Trials, King Cholera and the Alderman and Summer Phenomena (High Res)
- Trial of Louis Riel and Notice to Contributors (High Res)
- Trial Practice With the Gatlings at Swift Current (High Res)
- Typical Sketches in the Drill Shed, Hamilton (High Res)
- Typical Sketches in the Drill Shed, Hamilton, the Relief of Battleford and the Mounted Police Band
- Typical Specimens of the Reception Decorations (High Res)
- Uncivilized Warfare, An Opportune Suggestion, The Three Prisoners of White Cap’s Band and Our...
- Ups and Downs, A Welcome Call: Hot Potatoes, Scene on the Cars en Route to the Front (High Res)
- Views of Qu’Appelle, Sketches From Battleford and Larmour’s Portable Rifle Pits (High Res)
- “A” Battery in he Touchwood Hills – Stuck in a Snow-Bank (High Res)